
State Seminar in the 2nd Projects Phase

From 23 to 24 of May 2018 will be the State Seminar to present the achievements of the 2nd phase of SPP-1655 (2016 - 2019) in the city of Essen. The Seminar aims as a midterm review in front of the projects agency German Research Foundation (DFG), as well as a great opportunity for a scientific exchange and fast feedback from the scientific peers, especially from the participating professors. Furthermore the scientific co-workers, which mainingly preparing their PhD thesis in their scientific research, can get in touch for a scientific exchange and build the base for their later scientific community.

Open Review-Presentation for the 2nd Phase of SPP1655

On 8th of March 2016 the proposers have to give a presentation and show the poster.

  • Start: 9:00 a.m.
  • End: 6:30 p.m.
  • Necessary: Presentation and Poster (format: portrait or landscape)
  • Schedule of the presentations: firstly the established SPP1655 projects official schedule, afterwards the new proposals

Link to Agenda

Photos of SPP1655-2 proposal presentation, 8. March 2016 at IHP

Photos: Stefan Scholz